As the days of Ramadan go by, the Mercy of Allah (SWT) only increases. The believer is given opportunity after opportunity to mend ties with The Creator. And as the final 10 days approach, we remind ourselves of another opportunity to gain proximity to Allah: performing the itekaaf. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) performed itekaaf every year in Madinah except for two due to certain difficulties. It has been narrated by Husain (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
“Whoever performs the ten days of itekaaf in Ramadan it is as if ‘he has performed’ two Hajj and two ‘Umrah” (al-Targhib)
Subhan Allah! Let us try our utmost to maximize our rewards this month.

Itekaaf 2025 Registration

The goal of these rules is to provide the most spiritually uplifting experience for attendees with consideration of the Shariah and the Sunnah. May Allah (SWT) make us among those that benefit from this very special opportunity.