Marriage Ceremony-
Pre-Marital classes and advice available
Certification of Nikah provided
Complete State Legal Documentation
Performed according to Sunnah
Marriage Advisement available any time after
Any service outside the masjid is extra $100
Starting A Family
Following the Sunnah and seeking the pleasure of ALLAH together.
Conducted by Imam of the Masjid
Plan on serving food on site?
Please complete the necessary event reservation registration form.
There will be additional cost for renting the venue for lunch/dinner.
Pre-Marital Advisement
Pre-marital advisement is strongly recommended. The purpose of these three sessions is to properly establish the framework of a successful marriage in Islam, and assist new Muslim families in navigating the most common causes of arguments and divorce.

Session 1 (1 hour): Foundations
What is marriage in Islam? What’s the point? What is a “family”?
Beginning your marriage correctly. Attracting Allah Ta’ala’s assistance, mercy, and divine grace. The trappings of the “modern” Nikah.
How to open up and maintain healthy communication of feelings and thoughts. What to say and what not to say. When to say and when not to say.
THE worst sickness for any Muslim in any relationship. How do you avoid this sickness, or deal with it once you are infected.
The fruit of intention. What are realistic expectations? What should they be?Personal change as opposed to changing your spouse.
Session 2 & 3 (1 hour/ea.): Whose Rights
Rights of both the husband and wife and understanding them within our current societal context.
Managing relationships with parents, and their care when they become elderly.
What is parenting is Islam? What should be the priorities?
Difficulties and disagreements are a natural part of a relationship. Managing these situations appropriately is key component to a successful marriage.
How, when, and why. When there is no other option, how to end the relationship on the best terms.